Howdy! Thanks for taking a minute to provide the below contact info so we can strengthen our partnership!


ATS Partner Contact

This will be a client-facing contact we can direct our clients to when asked about who on the ATS side they can get in touch with to begin a relationship and/or the deployment process for one of their clients.

ATS Product Owner

This will be an Accio-only contact that we can reach out to when we’d like to confirm high-level API questions. For example, do you have an open API we can write to or would you be willing to write to ours, what are next steps to getting a project scoped out and getting a technical resource made available for in-depth questions, etc. A link to the API documentation is also very helpful at this point, as this will allow us to begin reviewing the requirements while we begin discussions.

ATS Technical Contact

This will be an Accio-only contact that we can reach out to when we have more in-depth questions regarding the API documentation and general integration functionality.

Additional Notes

Is there anything else you’d like us to know?